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#GuacTheHouse Giveaway: Win a $250 Gift Card from Avocados From Mexico material. A purchase is not required. Scan the QR Code and complete the registration form on to receive one entry into the #avosweepstakes. Pretty exciting, isn’t it?! Join us for a Twitter party on Tuesday, October 20, 2020, from 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. ET with @AvosFromMexico! Giveaway Post Prize: One lucky winner will receive the following prize: $250 Visa gift card! Please follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter widge...

Cheating in School: Some Important Lessons

...e that our children are under greater academic pressure than we were, that competition is greater, and their workload heavier. But the world has not changed so much that right and wrong do not have a bright line running between them, and as parents our job is to make they know where that line is located. We need to make clear that if they cheat, our disappointment in them and the ensuing punishment will be excruciating for both parent and child. I...

Childhood Epilepsy: Finding the Sunshine

...o they did the test and anxiously waited for the results hoping they would come back negative. After weeks of waiting, they got the phone call that would change their lives forever. Hailey did, in fact, have the mutation in her gene. “Then I heard the words I wish I had never heard, ‘She has been diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome.’ Up until that point, I had never heard of it. As I read further into this horrible disease, MY WORLD STOPPED! This canno...

Clorox Canisters for Classrooms: Chance to Win a Back-to-School Prize Pack

...ts we don’t think twice about getting 5-6 hours of sleep rather than the recommended 8. Many of us offer ourselves congratulations for getting that much! However, when it comes to well-being of our kids, all parents can agree that it is their number one priority. Little things like proper and frequent handwashing, explaining that your kids shouldn’t share drinks or utensils with friends, and getting a full night’s rest are instrumental in keeping...

Learning Disabilities: How to Identify Learning Disabilities in Kids

...hese plans specify annual goals, special education and related services, accommodations, participation in state and district-wide tests, needed transition services, current performance, and measured progress. Dr. Horowitz says, “It’s a living, breathing, organic blueprint that can be changed during the course of a child’s education. Parents should involve their child in the IEP team meetings as soon as they are old enough to understand the process...

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