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Summer Learning: How to Make an Educational Treasure Map

...e ready to be done. Recently, during our Spring Break, I determined to overcome that wall of fatigue, both for my 8-year-old son and myself, with a little activity that incorporated both the things he'd been learning in third grade and the fun of a treasure hunt. It was as much fun for me to put together as it was for my son to do! You may want to try it. To find other learning resources that your kid or even you might benefit from, check out 北美 作...

Family Fun: How to Direct a Hot Wheels Race

...y other creative way until there is one survivor! There you have it. Your own car race in mini version that still brings shouts of disappointment as champions crash, zeal as the forgotten cars return to the race, fury as your biggest competitor flips your car, and bewilderment as you complete four races without a winner, making family history. Do you play with Hot Wheels in your home? What rule would you add or take away from your Hot Wheels race?...

evo: Seeing Your True Potential at evo

...they were able to turn them into positive experiences through the power of community and clinging tenaciously to their dreams. Anyone who has experienced a crushing challenge knows how hard it can be to tell it to others, much less to turn it into an inspiring story, but these women did it. The evening was capped by a magical flash mob by Jenny Eckton (see below), who was the example of a woman sticking her chin up at the forces keeping her from h...

A Little Tip for Helping the Big Problem of World Hunger

...n [our] food aid can do as much harm as good. How? Through inadvertently becoming unfair competition that undercuts local farmers. Purchasing food locally makes sense: It arrives much more quickly, it’s drastically cheaper and, best of all, it helps support the local and regional farmers who are the backbone of a locally sustainable food system. If our food aid helps people in the short run, but puts farmers out of the business, then in the long r...

Cleveland: Fun Cleveland Area Attractions For Families

...or the 14th consecutive year and it's within an hour drive of Cleveland. In 2013, Cedar Point will be unveiling the Gate Keeper, the world's longest winged coaster. While this ride, along with Top Thrill Dragster, Millennium Force and more, are perfect for the thrill seekers in the family, Cedar Point offers plenty for the younger set as well. With four children's areas throughout the park, rides like bumper cars, Tilt-a-Whirl, and mini-coasters a...

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