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Mother’s Centers Make Motherhood Easier

...over the United States, wanting to know how to start centers in their own communities. So, the FSA helped organize the Mothers' Center Development Project (MCDP), appointing a social worker named Lorri Slepian as one of its directors. After the MCDP was mentioned by her on The Phil Donahue Show and featured in Parents magazine in 1984, the project took off. By 1991, the Mothers' Center Development Project had grown into the National Association o...

Katie Terry-Corbridge: Paralyzed But Far From Powerless

...out of a tree, Katie set up a donation account, contacted a medical supply company, and asked people and organizations to help, which they did. "It wasn't just me; people from all over the country gave," she says. As often happens, when an appeal for help is made by a trusted friend, such friends become nucleation sites for good, people being attracted to those kinds of opportunities to "pay it forward." This is a pattern she has seen repeated in...

Building Community: Invite Your Neighbors In

...rtesy of Flickr. Can one beyond blessed family move from addicted to themselves to devoted to others? The author of this post shares honestly at Amy L. Sullivan about her family’s attempt to become less me, me, me focused and more others centered. Amy writes for print and online publications and is also writing a nonfiction book about serving others....

Parenting: I’m a Terrible School Mom

...ear old daughter, a wife, and the social media strategist for AboutOne, an online family organizer that turns your phone into a remote control for your life, working with your existing calendar and contact tools, so you can automatically organize, store, and share family memories and household paperwork. Through web and mobile apps, AboutOne guides you along the path to organization, rewarding you along the way for meeting your organizational goal...

Relationships: The Sandwich Generation Challenge

...her brain wasn't getting enough oxygen. It was awful. A medically induced coma, lung biopsy, and a couple of weeks in the hospital left her weak and struggling, but alive. It was a miracle. But after she finished up three months of rehab and moved back into her condo, it was clear that she was going to have to move in with us. The combination of her health and financial issues (not working for months on end put her in bad financial straits, and t...

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