family fun

Family Fun: How to Make Recreation Easy for Long-Term Fun

family funactivities

I am of the firm belief that exercise and recreation have something in common: none of us are likely to do either of them long-term if they are not fun. You can psyche yourself up all you want to go to the gym, and you can even go and…

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Family Fun Traditions: Summer Traditions at Island Park

family funfamily fun-traditions

Thousand of years ago, the word "tradition" was used as the by the Romans as the concept of inheritance. In modern times, they've come to mean a great deal more. Traditions within the family have become the yearly Christmas breakfast or, in my family, the weekend at the…

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Wakeboarding: Conquering Uncharted Territory

momfamily fun & traditions

I used to know my purpose in life: to provide comic relief on a wakeboard and to be an example to my children of what not to do while strapped to a board going 20 miles an hour behind a boat. And since I take my responsibilities very seriously, I…

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