Car Seat Safety – Know For Sure #TheRightSeat

ages and stages

Recently we were driving home from a routine errand and a truck at a crossroads ahead of me was turning left. I had already seen another car from the other direction turning into that same middle turn-lane and immediately began slowing down and moving to the side. Thankfully, the car…

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Car Seat Safety – Know For Sure #TheRightSeat

ages and stages

Recently we were driving home from a routine errand and a truck at a crossroads ahead of me was turning left. I had already seen another car from the other direction turning into that same middle turn-lane and immediately began slowing down and moving to the side. Thankfully, the car…

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Car Safety: How To Determine When a Child Outgrows a Front-Facing Car Seat

momparentingparentingages and stages

Children grow rapidly and car seats do not. It's important that your car seat be correctly sized for your child at every point in the child's growth. If you are transporting your child in a front-facing car seat that is too small for the child's height and weight, you are…

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Car Safety: Critical Requirements for Selecting a Car Seat for Your Child

momparentingparentingages and stages

Car Safety—What is the leading cause of death in children? It is automobile accidents. Many accidental deaths and injuries to children could be avoided if children are always securely strapped into a safe car seat. The key considerations when selecting a car seat are your child's height, weight,…

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