
Healthy Kids: Managing Food Allergies Through Education and Advocacy


Food Allergies—Five months ago, my then seven month old baby was diagnosed with multiple food allergies after a severe bout with dermatitis. His dermatitis began when he was around four months old and even though we as parents knew he had food allergies, it took us three long…

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Organization: How To Create a Portable Homework Station


Organization—Back to's that time of year. Many of you have already started, which means most likely your kids have brought home homework. Parents dread homework as much as the kids. This portable homework station will help keep peace in the family. Back to school is not my…

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Education: 8 Ways to Keep Math Skills Up in the Summer


Education—Summer is the break kids look forward so they can shut off their minds. But summer is also three months out of the year when your kid’s developing brains should be practicing and staying in shape. As summer activities begin, keep your children’s minds open and ready for growth…

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Spring Education: Lessons Learned From the Sky


As spring approaches and snow clouds disappear, the blue skies pop out and so do the light breezes that pull you outdoors. There is so much we can learn with our children by looking at the sky. Take some time as the weather gets warmer to look up and see…

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Health Education: 3 Ways to Motivate Your Children to Stay Active


It seems like every other day we are hearing about a new weight loss program that promises fast results. Considering that as many as 40 percent of women and 24 percent of men in the U.S. are trying to lose weight at any given time, many are looking for the…

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