giving back • my world • giving organizations • bettering communities
by Jill Greenlaw on February 3rd, 2012 | 1 Comment »
I am the mother of three boys and one girl. All of my boys are involved with the Boy Scouts of America Scouting Program. I love the things that this organization does to teach leadership, service, commitment, and goal setting.
My boys start the scouting program…
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my world • moms making a difference
by Mom It Forward on February 2nd, 2011 | 1 Comment »
How is it that a mother in America can make a difference for a father in Haiti, that country to the south of us still struggling to overcome the devastating effects of the January 2010 earthquake? The quake was huge and almost totally flattened an already-weak infrastructure and economy. Though…
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my world • Mom It Forward Mondays
by Mom It Forward on January 10th, 2011 | No Comments »
This week's Season of Service challenge is inspired by Macy's Heart of Haiti project, which features Haitian artists selling their artwork through Macy’s stores and website, enabling them to earn sustainable income. Macy's is a big corporation that has made a partnership to help those on foreign soil and remind…
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#gno information!
by Jen Tilley on January 6th, 2011 | 21 Comments »
The Haitian Culture continues to thrive even during catastrophe. Despite the devastating 2010 earthquake, Haitian artisans are still turning raw materials into artwork that embodies their rich culture and history. Haitians have an extraordinary ability to create breathtakingly beautiful artwork using everything from recycled oil drums and wrought iron…
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by Jen Tilley on January 6th, 2011 | 224 Comments »
In a time when their lives are surrounded by rubble due to the devastating earthquake in early 2010, Macy’s partnered with Fairwinds Trading and BrandAid Haiti to launch its Heart of Haiti program in an effort to provide Haitians with a form of relief. Through the Macy’s website, there are…
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