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Topic Talk—Final Installment You RAwK!

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So many amazing stories, so many amazing women. Mom It Forward wants to thank everyone who participated in the Happiness Headlines Challenge. We think you all RAwK! Here's five more:

Debra at 9 to 5 to 9
Shannon at Shanno Sez So
Michelle at Wanderlust and Lipstick
Jyl at Mommy

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December Do Gooders

giving back

We bring you Four more Mom It Forwards. These women have proven that Random Acts of Kindness are worth it. They bring big rewards. Thanks to all of them for their ideas and example. Renee at Cutie Booty Cakes
Connie at My Chronic Life
Rhonda at Mother to Mother

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Topic Talk—Enjoy the Simple Random Acts

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MERRY CHRISTMAS from Jyl and Carissa here at Mom It Forward! We hope you are enjoying your holiday-- whether you celebrate Christmas or some other winter holiday! Seems like such a perfect time to find ways to Mom It Forward! Check out the Random acts these women created, from…

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Topic Talk—More from the Happiness Headlines

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Mom It Forward brings you 4 more Forward Moms. One saving for giving, one cheering you on, one making me laugh and one simply serving others. Amazing what everyone does everyday. Thanks for being part of the
Mom It Forward
Happiness Headlines Challenge:

Brandy at Not Your Average Soccer

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Topic Talk—Happiness Headlines

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How Did GNO Gals Mom It Forward This Holiday Season? We challenged our #GNO community to spread holiday cheer, to Mom It Forward if you will. And now it's time! Time to share with you the ways in which many of you shifted the mood of the news by creating

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