family fun

Winter Activities: 7 Fun Ideas for Outdoor Winter Play

family funactivities

It can be incredibly tempting to keep the kids indoors all winter long because it takes more work and clothing for them to be able to play outside, it takes more tolerance of cold if one wants to play with them, and it seems like there are fewer options…

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Community: Get Out There and Play

giving backbettering communities

The yellow bus chugged away a half an hour ago, and yet, I hear nothing outside. No laughter, no games of chase, no bike riders wiping out ... nothing. It’s quiet, and honestly, that quiet bothers me. I know most people like to hear wind rustling through leaves

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Service Projects: Building Community at Blogger Conferences

book club

Service projects are a great way to build community. Whether you're volunteering at your child's school carnival, coordinating meals for someone in your church group/neighborhood, or building a playground, service and charity not only helps others in need, but also can be a great way of bringing people people…

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Creative Development: 3 Ways to Get Kids More Play Time at School

giving backmy worldbettering communitiesbettering communities

Play Time—Much ado is made about the dismal state of school lunches, and for good reason. Daily helpings of tater tots and frozen pizza certainly aren’t giving our children the nutrients they need. But there is another, equally damaging threat to our children’s health that we also need…

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Outside Play: Dr Pepper Snapple, KaBoom, and Mom 2.0 Partner to Build Playground

my worldgiving organizations

You may have heard that play is on the decline, that children these days are less active than those of previous generations. The Centers for Disease Controls reports that 62% of children aged 9-13 years do not participate in any organized physical activity afterschool and 23% do not engage in…

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