family fun

Family Traditions: Instilling a Love of Books

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As long as I can remember, I've had a love affair with books. As a child, picture books would fascinate me, and as a youth, I would immerse myself in a novel. I knew I wanted to pass on this passion to my children. Books can teach, entertain, and…

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Literacy: Why Reading Aloud is Essential


Reading—After raising four sons and working as a teacher, I would have to agree with the experts that reading aloud is essential. Why Reading Aloud is Essential

Decades of Literacy Research Encourages Parents Reading Aloud

  • Becoming a Nation of Readers (1985) reached two conclusions. 1) The single most important

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Literacy: How to Help Your Kids Love Reading and Writing


As parents, most of us have heard how important it is to encourage a love of reading and writing early in our children’s developmental process. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines literacy as the “ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute using printed…

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Reading as a Family Is a Win-Win Learning Opportunity!

momfamily fun & traditions

I truly believe that families that read together learn together, and have the opportunity to experience life and bond with one another in a whole new way. It's one of my favorite past times and a win-win situation. Reading as a family can be fun and rewarding and is…

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Summer Reading Motivation: Scholastic Summer Challenge


It has been said, by a man who knows what he's talking about, that children who do not read in the summer lose two to three months of reading development, just like hockey players lose some of their skills if they stay off their skates and off the ice for…

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