parenting • ages and stages
by Cambria VandeMerwe on June 25th, 2012 | No Comments »
Unstructured play is vital to children’s growth and learning. By simply releasing your kids to play on their own, you are not only able to get the cleaning done but it sparks mind reeling inventions in your child's mind that gets them thinking.
Letting them use their imagination with…
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parenting • home management
by Barbara Reich on April 1st, 2012 | 2 Comments »
Spring Cleaning doesn't have to be your worst nightmare. Instead, create a system that everyone in your house can maintain on a daily basis. Use the following tips and products to keep your house sparkling all year round. If you find yourself overwhelmed by clutter, Hoarder Cleanouts can provide the…
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mom • crafts • crafts • kids crafts
by Jyl Johnson Pattee on February 21st, 2011 | 1 Comment »
How Crayola makes creativity fun and easy to clean.
I remember when my kids were toddlers. As a new mom, I was really excited to bust out the finger paints and Play Doh. After all, these were things my mom would let us play for hours. I had such positive…
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