free printables • holiday printables
by Mom It Forward on April 27th, 2015 | No Comments »
Mother's day is coming quickly, and trying to find the perfect card is not as easy as it seems. Mother's give tirelessly without a lot of payment. They are teachers, caregivers, and role models. Here is an inspiring quote by Abraham Lincoln that sums up how we feel about our…
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free printables • quotes
by Mom It Forward on May 2nd, 2014 | No Comments »
Abraham Lincoln was inspired when he said, "All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother." Mothers do so many things for us. They shape and mold us into the adults we will become. Here is a fun printable that you can either display in your…
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relationships • lifestyle
by Jamie Moesser on March 8th, 2012 | No Comments »
It's interesting how holidays change over time and across cultures. Christmas, obviously, is celebrated by Christians the world over but with a variety of different traditions. St. Patrick's Day, interestingly enough, started out in the early 17th century as a celebration of the man who originally brought Christianity to Ireland.…
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giving back • my world • moms making a difference • moms making a difference
by Mom It Forward on October 12th, 2011 | 3 Comments »
Me Time—Jenny Eckton grew up in southwestern New York. At age 19, she moved eight states west to Provo, Utah, to create a band with a friend. She played bass guitar and sang. They named themselves, "Garage Sale." She intended to stay in Provo only temporarily, but fell in…
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#gno information!
by Jyl Johnson Pattee on June 2nd, 2010 | 22 Comments »
Regardless of the roles you play—woman, mother, employee, boss, friend, spouse, hobbyist, volunteer, carpool driver, etc.—you have many demands on your time. Am I right? And, as those demands increase, streamlining and simplifying becomes more important so you can focus on what matters most.
This Tuesday, join HP and tech-savvy…
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