
Photos: 10 Tips for Newborn Photography

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From landscape photography to documentary photography, event photography to portrait photography—there are many different types of photography that help you express your emotions, viewpoint, and style. Out of all of the different types of photography, the one form of photography that many people find the most difficult is portrait,…

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10 Tips to Take Great iPhone Photos of Your Kids

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They say that the best camera is the one you have with you. That’s the main reason why iPhoneography has become a new national pastime. Compared to a DSLR camera, your iPhone is small, it’s already in your pocket, and it happens to take great pictures, too! Whether camera-shy, camera…

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Shutterfly Giveaway: 5 Tips for a “Cardworthy” Family Photo


The holiday season is right around the corner and I'm sure many of you have started to think about your family holiday cards. Trying to snap one great photo of your family can be difficult. So, how do you get a "cardworthy" photo for your holiday card? 5 Tips for…

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