Best of — Family Vacation Tips
travel • tips for traveling with children
travel • road trips & staycations
If you’re planning a road trip this summer you’re probably already cringing at the price of gas. But even with high gas prices, a road trip can still be cheaper—and often more fun—than a vacation that involves flying. However, unexpected expenses and poor planning can quickly inflate a road trip…
travel • tips for traveling with children
Some of my fondest memories are of traveling with my family when I was a child, especially family road trips. In retrospect, I have to wonder if it was fun for my parents! After all, they had to cope with traveling with my brother and me without all the…
travel • tips for traveling with children
travel • road trips & staycations
The ultimate test of a family's strength or sanity is going on a family road trip. This doesn't have to be a cross country road trip but anything over 2 hours usually will do it. Let's face it, putting more than 3 people in a vehicle filled with luggage…