parenting • ages and stages
by Darcy Zalewski on July 28th, 2018 | 1 Comment »
Did you miss out on dance as a kid? Me too, but my parents never knew I was interested in it. Same with choir, but I did get to play the violin for a few years. Before I had kids, I told myself I'd let them choose their activities. Do…
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parenting • ages and stages
by Keyonda Pyles on July 7th, 2013 | No Comments »
Being a first-time mom everything my son did (and does) seems amazing. We moms think our children are wonderful, hilarious, talented, and basically the greatest kids that walk the earth! When they remember song lyrics perfectly, dance almost exactly like Michael Jackson, or create an abstract art project, our…
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parenting • home management
by Rita Cangialosi on February 19th, 2012 | 1 Comment »
Bartering, or exchanging services rather than money, is certainly not a new concept. Bartering is what we did before we had money. In these difficult economic times, it’s making a comeback. Bartering allows us to trade our talents and receive the benefit of someone else's skills in return.…
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my world • Leaving a Legacy • lifestyle • hobbies-me time
by Jyl Johnson Pattee on December 27th, 2011 | 1 Comment »
Not being the crafty type, I never realized how much I would come to appreciate sewing. But all things DIY remind me of my mom and her resourceful, creative spirit. She is truly magical—a Mary Poppins type of a mom and seems to be able to create things out…
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mom • education • parenting • education
by Mom It Forward on October 16th, 2011 | No Comments »
Music Education—The benefits of learning to play a musical instrument or sing have been researched and discussed for years. Beyond gaining a skill that can entertain and add auditory beauty to the world, we also gain better neural "adaptability" which enables easier acquisition of other skills. Parents would say…
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