biz, tech, & social media • home management • home management
by Mom It Forward on January 20th, 2016 | No Comments »
Most of us are pretty in-love with technology. You don’t have to be a nerd (like me) to have a slight panic attack at the thought of going a day without your iPhone, Microwave, or Netflix subscription. Most technology gadgets that started as “nice-to-haves” for us have transitioned into “essentials”…
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mom • biz, tech, & social media
by Sarah Kimmel on October 13th, 2010 | 3 Comments »
I love tech news. I even watch a tech news show daily, and have several tech news podcasts on my Zune that I watch on a daily basis. Technology changes so frequently that if you aren’t watching to the news, you could be under some assumptions that used to be…
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