family fun
Thanksgiving: How To Give Thanks During the Holiday Season
my world • Leaving a Legacy • family fun • family fun-traditions
As we enter a season of holiday cheer it's easy to breeze past the real meaning of Thanksgiving and forget the things we are thankful for.

Don't skip over the thanksgiving season. Teach your kids and remind yourself to give. Give thanks for what you have and give thanks to others. If you can, give your time, words, and energy to someone else.
This year, I reject the tradition of a big eating extravaganza on thanksgiving. Instead, the kids and I bought dishes at target to bring to the homeless shelter. We will set a table for 10, and sit, pray, and replicate the family. We will give thanks. But we will inspire them to do something different. To give. To get out of a destructive cycle. To reconnect with family.
What do you have to give thanks for and who can you lift up today?
Photo courtesy of Flickr.
Tammy Kling is a life coach, advocate for the homeless, and international author of 29 books including The Compass. Tammy is also the founderr of Write it Out, an organization that helps gang members, the homeless, and those living on the street write out their hopes & dreams via writers workshops, free journals and various other resources.
In addition to writing and coaching, Tammy is a mom of two boys, an avid trail and mountain runner, blogger, and adventure travel writer.
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