
#AtoZika Giveaway: 5 $50 Gift Cards from Target


Summer is coming up! It’s the best time for kids to play and have fun outdoors! While the season spells f-u-n, it is very important for parents to take extra precautions. If your kids happen to like to play outside, you should remember to use insect repellent.


RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment)®  is the national association focused on creating inspiring and healthy places where we live, work, and play. RISE works to educate people on the responsible use of pest control products such as personal repellents and pesticides used on lawns and gardens, playing fields and parks, and inside homes and other structures, as well as mosquito control. RISE created to answer common questions about pesticides and repellents and pest control.

RISE has taken the approach to educate the people to promote healthier outdoors and prevention of many mosquito-caused diseases like the Zika and the West Nile Virus. They have collaborated with, and supported the research and guidelines set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for background on the disease prevention.

RISE recommends four steps to control mosquitoes: 1) Put up personal barriers 2) Reinforce your home 3) Apply mosquito-specific defenses and 4) Eliminate standing water.

Join @DebugtheMyths, Mom It Forward and our panel of experts as we chat about pest control! The party will be held on Tuesday, June 28 from 9-10 p.m. ET (8 CT, 7 MT, 6 PT). See information about the party here.

Giveaway Post Prize

This week's giveaway is all about outdoor fun! 5 lucky winners will each receive a $50 Target gift card to pick up some much needed outdoor gear for the season. Please follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter widget below in order to enter for a chance to win a prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and Conditions

Winners will be selected randomly through No purchase necessary to enter. Giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. ET Wednesday, June 29, 2016. See all terms and conditions here. This giveaway is available to U.S. residents only.

RT @MomItForward Enter for chance to win a $50 gift card thx to the #AtoZika #gno party! #ad

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