giving back

Communication: Rachel Coleman Makes Learning Sign Language Easy and Fun

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Communication—You know how they say you're not supposed to help a baby chick hatching out of its shell because that exercise is critical to its growth? You know how sometimes its good to help new moms out, but ultimately you have to let them figure out what works best…

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Cooking: Pam Anderson Feeds and Uplifts With Food

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Support—For some, food is a means of sustenance. For others, it is a means of livelihood. And for yet others, those who possess more than a modicum of skill in preparing it, it is a medium for building and making friends. For Pam Anderson, it is all of these…

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Environmentally Friendly: Sommer Poquette Sets a Green Example

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Environmentally Friendly—So mmer Poquette is passionate about blogging, like many of our readers. She started blogging in 2007 as a way of researching, writing about, and getting feedback on various products that she liked. She wrote about environmentally-friendly products at, as a means of reaching…

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Poverty: Rachel Fox is ONE Mom Making a Difference For Many

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Making a Difference—The story of how Rachel Fox became a Mom Making a Difference begins a little over a year ago. She was a stay-at-home mother with three kids. She had a thirst for knowledge and strong feelings about problems in the world. Her kids were getting old…

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Smiles and Laughter: @TheBloggess Wants You to Be Furiously Happy

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Happiness—A Mom Making a Difference, for purposes of this column, is technically defined as someone who has at least one child, one childbirth-related stretch mark, and a mission that helps others, primarily but not exclusively in the realm of social media, and something that shows she is taking…

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Inspiration: Me Ra Koh Makes Miracles With Photography

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Inspiration—You've probably heard this quote by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: "People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within." Me Ra Koh is one of those people who…

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