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Environmentally Friendly: Sommer Poquette Sets a Green Example

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Environmentally Friendly—So mmer Poquette is passionate about blogging, like many of our readers. She started blogging in 2007 as a way of researching, writing about, and getting feedback on various products that she liked. She wrote about environmentally-friendly products at, as a means of reaching out to other moms like herself, and has found a home there, showing how being green can be "sexy" and "sassy."

She writes, for instance, about jewelry made from African zulugrass that is, even in my fashion-challenged eyes, sexy and stunning. Who would've ever thought that a bracelet could be beautiful, environmentally friendly, made from a resource that is renewable and sustainable, and the means of providing an African Maasai tribe with a living that they were desperately in need of? She also writes about cute cloth diapers, a product that in concept sounds oxymoronic but in reality shows that being environmentally friendly doesn't have to mean being ugly or plain.

She says, "I believe that anyone can be green (there are over 33 shades), sexy (confident and interesting) and sassy (smart and stylish). It is my hope that GreenandCleanMom can inspire [people] to try a little harder to be catalysts for change, and[can] offer...some new tips...on how to be [a] green, sexy, and sassy mom."

There are, perhaps, other blogs that talk about ways to be green. And there are also other bloggers who have published books. She is not unique in that respect. What's unique is the book Sommer wrote. Her book is about mommy blogging, written for kids, called My Mommy Is A Blogger. She says about it,  "I wanted to explain to children and the world what moms online might be doing with their blogs. It's a humorous look into the world of blogging based on this one mother’s experience and a fun way to explain the importance of the words we choose, online privacy and ways mom bloggers make money and help companies."

One Amazon customer reviewer says this about My Mommy Is A Blogger: "I bought this book so I could take it to career day at school and read it to the class. It does a fantastic job of explaining what blogging is and what it means to have a career blogging. It's presented as exactly that; a mom who goes to school for career day and she takes questions from kids and gently corrects the things they don't quite get right (such as getting excited about Oogle instead of Google), and also feel that they would be excellent bloggers because THEY have pajamas they could wear while working, too. And in fact, everyone has a story to tell, especially children. This book does a great job of giving kids one more way to think about expressing themselves as a career."

So, Sommer shines by example and by word. On GreenandCleanMom, she writes about being green, sassy, and sexy, providing information on products and resources that could make it easier for us everyday moms to follow her lead. And with My Mommy Is A Blogger, she provides a resource that can make it easier for us everyday moms to explain to our kids and others what we do, so that they may at least understand it better, and maybe some day follow in our lead.

What steps do you take to be environmentally friendly? What resources do you use to stay up-to-date on ways to stay eco-friendly?

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