giving back
Do Good in Little Ways
giving back • tips for giving back
As a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend we all have a lot to get done everyday. Blessings and responsibilities all rolled together make for a busy day, and keeping up with it all is no small task. So as the hustle and bustle ramps up and we rapidly approach the holiday season of giving, I encourage you to breath deeply and stay focused on the bigger picture. Let's find ways to keep it simple and do good in little ways.
There are many, many wonderful things you can do to give back and make a difference, especially during the holidays! Whether you sponsor a family-in-need's Christmas tree and gifts or offer your local food bank a helping hand, it's all about the little things in life that make it all worthwhile and it's a unique opportunity to Do Good in little ways.
Just keep doing exactly what it is that puts the twinkle in your eye and the eyes of those you love, and you'll see there are easy ways to make it beneficial to others in the process. And, it feels good too!
Something as simple as paying it forward at your grocery store and purchasing a few extra cans each week to donate, or giving your recent magazines to a local retirement home in your area. Do Good. It's the little things.
For instance, did you know there are local animal based charities that have thrift stores to benefit homeless animals? Well, they're all around the country (and if you do a simple Google search for one in your city I bet you'll find one close to you, too). Something as simple as a purchase at your humane society-like store or even donating your old things to them is doing good. These stores are treasure troves of vintage delights and I was pleasantly surprised to find a place I can frequent to feed my passion (DIY) and do good by our furry friends at the same time.
Take a minute to think of one way to Do Good in your day today and you may just find it to be your best holiday yet.

Therese Feeman
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- Do Good in Little Ways - November 18, 2015