
Fill Up with Protein – A Day in the Life of Feeding My Kids

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When you have four kids meal time can be stressful to say the least. I have found that no 2 of my kids eat alike. Some want a hot breakfast, some want cold, and one even wants to eat nothing before 10 am. Like I said meal time can be stressful. When dealing with 6 people each day, two to three times a day for meal time/snacks it is all about compromises.

First thing in the morning is rush time during the week so I typically do not even try for a hot breakfast. Everyone is out the door around 7 am, and we are a family of sleepers so we are not typically up until 6:30 am. On Sunday you won't find any of us up before 10 am. So on Sunday we try and make a big breakfast to get us through the day until our afternoon meal. Most Sundays we do whole wheat waffles, scrambled eggs, and berries. The waffles are perfect in our house because people can make them as unique and individual as they are. Plain waffles with peanut butter and banana or blueberry waffles with cream cheese and nuts are the usual suspects at our breakfast table. Either way the kids are getting a good helping of protein along with their glass of milk to help keep them full for the morning.

Protein Waffles


  • 1 1/3 cups protein flour (health food stores)
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 eggs, separated
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1 3/4 cups milk


  1. In a large bowl whisk together all of the dry ingredients, you do not want any clumps.
  2. Separate the eggs, adding the yolks to the dry ingredient mixture, and put the whites in a mixing bowl.
  3. Beat whites until stiff.
  4. Add milk and melted butter to dry ingredient mixture and stir together.
  5. Fold egg whites into mixture.

From here you just measure out the amount that fits into your waffle iron. About a year ago we bought one of the nice waffle irons that you flip over after adding the batter. The waffles come out delicious and filling. Add an eight-ounce glass of milk for eight grams of high-quality protein.


When my teenagers come home from school, they are STARVING!! No matter how big of a lunch I send with them they still feel like they have never eaten before when they come in the door at 2:45 pm. The first place they go is to the refrigerator to grab something to eat in a hurry. I try to have a healthy snack ready when they get home so they can eat it and go do homework, or get ready for sports or work. Again, since I have picky eaters I need to have several options available. I serve their snack with a glass of milk to help keep them satisfied until dinner. Fresh fruit, whole grain crackers and cheese, or a protein bar are a couple of our go-to snacks.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics, to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, experts recommend including milk in kids’ diets. That’s because decades of research, and hundreds of scientific studies support the benefits of milk and milk’s nutrients – especially for growing kids. Snack time is a perfect place to add a glass of delicious milk to get help get your kids through the afternoon crash.


No matter how many kids you have meal time is an important time of the day.


Two winners will receive a gift card worth the amount of a free month’s supply of milk (valued at $18 per month). All you have to do is follow the instruction here on the Rafflecopter!

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We are happy to announce our partnership with the National Milk Life Campaign’s Back-to-School program. Please watch for a series of posts this week!

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