Google+ Hangout: Charity

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Learn how to be a super hero family by unlocking your family's 11 super powers. In the third Google+ hangout in our "Becoming a Super Hero Family" series, MomItForward and our guest experts will be talking about "Charity". On the path to finding the super in our families, it is important to show love and kindness to our family member.


We'd love to have you join our live chat and share some of your advice and experiences on how you are showing charity in your family. Charity is the purest form of love and such an important super power to learn. During the hangout, we will be giving you a free coupon code to download the "Becoming a Super Hero Family: Charity" eBook free for 24 hours after the hangout.


Party Topic

Join +MomItForward, +Jamielyn Nye, and +Holly Richardson as we talk about how to show love and charity to your family members.

Party Details

Find out more about our #FamilyForward Super Hero sessions that will occur every Wednesday, by going to the Super Hero link.

RT @MomItForward Join the @FamilyForward Google+ Hangout on 8/7 3 p.m. ET
#FamilyForward  PLS RT

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