
Halloween Candy: Alternatives to Passing Out Sweets on Halloween

momparentingparentinghome management

Halloween Treats—"Trick-or-treat!" The costumed children will soon be on their way, looking to you for a goodie. Depending on your neighborhood, this could lead to several hundred bags to fill.

For my neighborhood, I typically plan on 300 children. No matter the current sale of the bulk candy bags, it adds up quickly. This year my budget attempts led me away from the candy isle and toward the drug store.

I searched the sale ads from my Sunday paper and found one store that had the most options to avoid driving all over town. Bubbles, pencils, stickers, and fangs are all great options. My girls were by my side assuring me of the wisdom of each purchase. After 50 candies, who doesn't love your own Halloween bubbles?

So far, I have covered 198 trick-or-treaters, and I spent $7.12 which is less than 4 cents per child! Here are my finds:

To make your money go even further, look to stickers. I purchased these Halloween sticker books for 50 cents. I also visit this website,, to order custom and cool designs of stickers.

Each sticker book contained 7 sheets of stickers. If you cut each sheet in half, you have 14 treats from one 50 cent book.

Give your wallet and your trick-or-treaters a surprise and go for an alternative this year. Happy hunting!

What do you usually give to trick-or-treaters? Do you stick with candy or get creative? What's the most creative item you have given out to kids on Halloween night?

Jessica Caldiero is am a stay at home mom of two beautiful red head girls (9 and 5). Her husband’s career in finance has had them changing locations and companies more times than they ever imagined! The blogging world has allowed her to keep in touch with friends and family no matter where their current location is.
She loves to find tips and tricks to help her keep my head above water, and save money while she manages their busy household. They all seem to ask each other, “how do you do it?!” as they struggle along. Although she doesn't don’t feel like she is doing it well every day, she is trying her best as she clears the clutter out of their home and lives. How do you keep the clutter cleared from your lives?
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