#gno information!

Making “You” Your Number One Priority!

#gno information!

Bubble Bath_Taking Time for Yourself_Priorities_Time Management_Rose Petals If I asked how many of you believe taking time for yourself is important, I'm pretty sure every woman reading this post would raise her hand. But if I asked how many of you actually find the time—and then take it—I'm sure many of your hands would remain sadly, dejectedly in your lap.

Why is it so many women know they desperately need "me time" yet so few actually make the time for it? For one, many of us have way too much going on in our busy lives. From children to businesses to laundry to volunteer work, who has time to shower and sleep let alone read a book or spend an hour at the salon? And that's where I think the problem lies. Are you too busy adding things to your to-do list that you overlook the one person your family, co-workers, friends rely on to make sure those to-dos get done—YOU?

Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying it isn't important to forget yourself and serve others, but you can't serve others very well if you have nothing left to give because you're tired, stressed, and on the verge of going postal if one more person asks you to do one more thing. Remember the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" It totally applies to the subject of taking time for yourself. A 15-minute walk, a 30-minute Starbuck's run with a girlfriend, or a 60-minute massage will prevent you from going insane in a world that is constantly demanding more of your time, energy, and talents.

I find—and my husband is now a firm believer—that I am a much better wife, mother, and friend when I can sweat out my stress at the gym for an hour or participate in some "retail therapy" with a couple girlfriends. I return rejuvenated and recharged and HAPPY. That last part is the most important because when I'm happy, EVERYONE is happy. Trite but oh, so true!

Whether you have to schedule a pedi on the family calendar with permanent marker or find it easier to leave the house last minute for a walk around the neighborhood with your BFF, make sure that to-do list has "me time" on it, preferably near the top. Hot stone massage at the local spa? $65. Avoiding a straightjacket and padded room? Priceless.

Image by Dennis Wong, shared via Flickr.

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An active part of the Mom It Forward team, Jyl primarily writes about parenting, social good, and all things travel related. In a past life, Jyl was an award-winning copywriter and designer of corporate training programs for Fortune 100 companies. Offline, Jyl is married to @TroyPattee; a mom to two teen boys and a beagle named #Hashtag; loves large amounts of cheese, dancing, and traveling; and lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Topping her bucket list is the goal to visit 50 countries by the time she's 50.

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