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Grilled Shrimp with Jicama with stories about being a mom. You can also find Lynda on twitter @fitnessmom1 and her other social media outlets from her blog        ...

Quick & Easy Healthy Snacks for Kids

...1/2 of strawberries and/or 1/2 cup of organic vanilla yogurt What are your favorite healthy snacks? Blog images are from Little Island Studios. Featured image on viewer is from Little Island Studios is all about family travel, healthy cooking and living, having fun and playroom design all for moms!...

Building a Family Outdoor Tradition

...Ponderosa here. Imagine yourself and your family connecting with the land, seeing beautiful scenery and experiencing adventures to last a lifetime! [] What is your next big adventure?    ...

5 Inspiring Ideas from German Urban Gardens

...den Makes Tidying Easy It's not that hard to throw together a quick little compost area in the garden. While I have a big compost bin not too far from my garden, I am going to add a compost area directly in my garden, too. It'll just make it that much easier to get my scraps and dead veggies taken care of to make my garden a tidier place. 2. A Garden Can be a Great Place to Play German urban gardens seem to be great places to play! I loved seeing...

Mommy & Me DIY Outdoor Game

...onhound. She love getting up early, the color orange, and strong coffee. When she’s not chasing her toddler, she’s blogging (, freelance writing, and teaching group fitness classes....

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