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Fabric-Covered Magnet Board

...o be safe than sorry. Hang it up, again according to the directions on the Command Strips package, give your kids some magnets and let 'em go nuts! The kids are having such fun with this, but I think it would be great to make one of these and use it as a giant chore chart, a home command center, or in an office as a bulletin board. There are so many fabric options out there, you could make one for every room in your house! Where in your house woul...

RSVP: Join the 2023 #Mom2Summit #gno Twitter Party the perfect setting to elevate the voices and the goals of the Mom 2.0 community. The conference resort is surrounded by elevated red rocks under a clear blue sky and incredible sunsets. So get your camera ready, get your notebook packed, and get prepared to recharge and reconnect at Mom 2.0 Summit. It’s not about doing more. It’s about elevating what you’re doing. It’s about elevating what matters. Join us for a pre-event packing party for Mo...

Contest: Win a Family Vacation to Universal Orlando Resort

.... You must submit your blog post and photo (your “Entry”) via between 6 a.m on July 30, 2013 and 11:59 p.m. on August 7, 2013, Eastern Daylight Time (the “Entry Period”). One entry per family. Entries need not be written or photographed during the Entry Period. Entries need to be original content and not have been previously published (print or online). The topic of your Entry must be one of the following: Ways to Create Tradition...

Helping Kids Do Better in School by Overcoming Absences

...ay–and 74% offer more than just a snack. There are many reasons why students miss school when they don’t have to—struggling in the classroom, having trouble with bullies, or dealing with challenges at home. But when your child misses school for any reason, it becomes harder for them to succeed in school. As a parent, you can identify the reasons why your child is absent from school and help them to overcome these challenges. Start here to find res...

Summer Travel Survival with Kids with Learning and Attention Issues

...ood offers free daily access to experts through chats and webinars, a safe online community that encourages parents to reach out to and learn from each other and a suite of specially designed, first-of-their-kind tools including: Interactive Quizzes: to determine what might be happening with your child Through Your Child's Eyes: A series of interactive simulations and videos that enable parents to experience firsthand how smart people can struggle...

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