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Back to School: 4 Volunteering Tips for Busy Parents

...r, save time, stress, and get more done with less coordination effort with free online sign up sheets from Teachers and parent leaders can set up their schedule of needs online (be it for weekly classroom volunteers or to staff the booth at the school carnival) and easily invite parents to sign with an invitation or link in an email, on the school website or Facebook page. Parents sign up in a few taps from their computer or sma...

Talk Like a Pirate Day Celebration Ideas

...her own set of props that included moustaches, lips, and funny hats from a FREE download on Pinterest and just glued a colorful paper straw to the props and voila! I love Pinterest and you won’t believe what great ideas you can get just from doing a “pirate party ideas” search on this fantastic site. And if you are looking to have some fun on International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19, come over to my site for a little Facebook Party! Go...

Google+: 8 Tips to Maximize Your Google+ Experience

...d others that share their same interests. Bloggers can join other blogging communities, communities specific to their niche, or can even create communities of their own! To find Communities click Click Home > Communities. Home is found in the top left hand corner of any G+ page and placing your cursor on the left hand side of your screen will open a drop down menu of tools and options. Search for keywords related to your own interests and join rel...

European Family Travel on a Budget: 13 Tips for an Affordable Vacation

...y program points or miles for purchases. X Enter to win giveaways or other online contests and sweepstakes. I typically never win giveaways, but I entered the Passports With Purpose Roman Holiday giveaway and won 5 nights lodging, a walking tour, and a Vespa tour in Rome for our entire family, shaving tons of money off of our budget. No one was more surprised than I was! Take a chance. You never know when you could get lucky! Book as early as poss...

How to Encourage Girls to Enjoy Science and Math

...Get Math: It’s Culture That’s Skewed by Jeanna Bryner June 2009. Posted in Melissa Northway, M.S. Human Nutrition writes storybook apps and books. Her first storybook app, Penelope the Purple Pirate, is a about a feisty redhead who likes to have adventures with her friends. She is currently working on a Penelope educational game in which Penelope declares that, “Math is fun!” You can reach her at: [email protected], @melissan...

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