
Parenting: Keeping Your Kids Safe From Allergies

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Do you and your family planning have plans to fly out of town for Spring Break? I have a friend who travels with her family every year to Florida for Spring Break. They have to be careful when they are flying, because they have a child that has severe allergies. They have to plan very carefully where they go and what type of foods they will be exposed to while they are away. In order to make the trip less stressful, my friend packs her own food and carefully plans out the family activities. I have learned over the years that when you have a family member that has allergies, you have to be informed. This is the best way to avoid potentially harmful situations.


 If your children live with potentially life-threatening allergies, here are 5 tips to help you get the most out of your time together as a family.

5 Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe From Allergies

  1. Get an “A” in Airline Research – Find out about the airline’s allergy policy and check the snack policy.
  2. Talk to Strangers – Tell airline staff about your family’s potentially life-threatening allergies when booking and boarding the plane and consider telling those sitting around you as well.
  3. Keep it Clean – Try to book the first flight of the day since the plane will be at its cleanest, and have your seating area cleaned before sitting.
  4. Carry Epinephrine – Learn the policy for carrying your EpiPen® (epinephrine) Auto-Injectors through security and make sure to pack your medication in your carry-on bag so it is with you at all times.
  5. Brown Bag It – In order to avoid allergic triggers as much as possible, try to schedule flights around mealtimes and bring your own snacks and meals.

Keep your family safe this spring by taking every precaution you can. Being prepared as a family will not only help you have a great spring vacation but stay allergy free.

What are you doing to make sure your family is safe from allergies?

Picture courtesy of Flickr

Tips provided by Mylan Specialty L.P. For more information visit or for more information regarding anaphylaxis.


EpiPen® (epinephrine) 0.3 mg and EpiPen Jr® (epinephrine) 0.15 mg Auto-Injectors are for the emergency treatment of life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) caused by allergens, exercise, or unknown triggers; and for people who are at increased risk for these reactions. EpiPen and EpiPen Jr are intended for immediate self administration as emergency supportive therapy only. Seek immediate emergency medical treatment after use.

Important Safety Information

EpiPen Auto-Injectors contain a single dose of epinephrine, which you inject into your outer thigh. DO NOT INJECT INTO YOUR VEIN, BUTTOCK, FINGERS, TOES, HANDS OR FEET. In case of accidental injection, please seek immediate medical treatment. Epinephrine should be used with caution if you have heart disease or are taking certain medicines that can cause heart-related (cardiac) symptoms.

Tell your doctor if you have certain medical conditions such as asthma, depression, thyroid disease, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, have any other medical conditions, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Be sure to also tell your doctor all the medicines you take, especially medicines for asthma. If you have certain medical conditions, or take certain medicines, your condition may get worse or you may have longer lasting side effects when you take the EpiPen or EpiPen Jr Auto Injector.

The most common side effects may include increase in heart rate, stronger or irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, paleness, dizziness, weakness or shakiness, headache, apprehension, nervousness or anxiety. These side effects usually go away quickly, especially if you rest.

Talk to your healthcare professional to see if EpiPen or EpiPen Jr Auto-Injector is right for you.

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