
How Social Media Efforts Can Help Your SEO Efforts

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Most webmasters know that in order to grow a website, you need a combination of social media and SEO efforts. However, the two activities are not wholly separate. The more successful your SEO efforts, the more visitors you will receive and the more they will share their work, boosting your social media presence.

Likewise, building a strong social media presence with the help of good service provider like SEO Brisbane for local companies can drastically improve your SEO and help you attract more visitors from organic search results.

This relationship might not seem obvious at first. Most social media links are not easily crawlable by search engines, if they are available at all, and social media done poorly might be seen as a duplicate content risk. That's why it helps a ton to hire professionals who are adept in seo services.

Look for a reliable SEO agency that can give consistent results and proven practices. However, the search engines have actively begun using social media cues in determining their results. In particular, Google has been including Google+ results and Bing has been integrating with Facebook.

But the benefits go beyond direct integration and include getting more links from non-social media sites and crawlable sections of social media profiles. As such, it’s crucial that webmasters know how to exploit social media to their SEO advantage and how to make that part of their Web development strategy.

How Social Media Efforts Can Help Your SEO Efforts

1. Build SEO-Friendly Social Media Profiles

While it’s true that many parts of social media profiles are hidden from the search results, most have parts that are public. Use those parts to promote your keywords and link to yourself.

For example, use your Twitter bio to include relevant keywords. Likewise, make sure that your Facebook Page is fully public and that it’s filled with relevant content and links. LinkedIn also sports a public profile that can include relevant information and the same goes for Google+.

If you can, open up your privacy settings as wide as you can and are comfortable. The more that’s public, the more the search engines can see and the easier it will be for your profiles to get noticed.

2. Create Engaging Content

This is easily the most difficult step in this list, but also the most important. You need to create a solid library of content that people want to read and can’t help but share. This means learning everything you can about your audience and writing content that speaks directly to them.

Pay special attention to your titles as they will likely be the only part seen on many social media sites and will be what draws people to click your links and re-share your work.

Likewise, always include images with your posts because many social networking sites, including Facebook and Google+, will use the images on your page, which will help attract attention to your work when it is shared.

Finally, cover the topics that your audience wants to see and that their friends might feel is useful. In short, try to create content for your core readers but keep in mind the potential for a broader audience that is connected to them.

3. Promote and Participate

Once you’ve got your content and your accounts set up, you need to develop a plan to promote your content and participate in social media.

On your site, this means integrating yourself with the social networks you choose. While you don’t want to go overboard and saturate your site with buttons and banners, providing a convenient way for others to share your content is crucial to get people to take the next step.

But more importantly, you need to take the time and participate in social media, putting your accounts to good work. Remember that all social media is not merely about putting up signs pointing to you. Social media is a two-way street and you need to share, retweet, and support others just as you want them to share and support you.

Be active in your various social media accounts, seek out new friends, and participate in conversations. If people like you and your brand, they are much more likely to share your content online and help you build good SEO. Improving SEO can be an exceptional help for an e-commerce business, whether they are launching a new product or a small business. Experts from eCommerce Fastlane may help you improve your website's visibility to generate more traffic, which may help your ranking.

In the end, it’s important to remember that a good social media plan is part of a good SEO strategy.

With the growing importance of social media in search engine results, it’s becoming nearly impossible to rank well, especially for competitive terms if you aren’t performing well with social media.

SEO and social media now go hand-in-hand. There is no way you can ignore either because of the way they feed off of each other.

Are you active on social media sites? Have you found that it has helped your blog's SEO?

Featured image courtesy of Flickr.

This guest post is written by Lior Levin, a marketing consultant for various online companies such as an html company, and a task management tool company.

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