parenting • education
by Jocelyn Lieppman on February 21st, 2013 | 1 Comment »
Every student at some point has to tackle the dreaded SAT or ACT exam. As a private tutor for the SAT, I’ve picked up a lot of tactics and tricks to help students tackle these intimidating tests, and dramatically raise their scores. While some tips are basic test-taking strategies,…
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parenting • ages and stages
by Jocelyn Lieppman on December 18th, 2012 | 1 Comment »
The time is finally approaching in every mother’s life when she must help launch her children in to the college world. G.P.A.’s are set, applications are rolling, and now it is time for that last big hoop: Standardized Testing. But with two options available, how do you choose which…
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giving back • tips for giving back
by Mom It Forward on April 10th, 2012 | No Comments »
This week's Season of Service verb, Act, may seem kind of vague. To act can mean to do a lot of things, good or bad. We challenge you to think of and do one simple, bite-size thing, either from the list below or of your own creation, that involves the…
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