mom • family fun & traditions • family fun • family fun-traditions
by Chris Molnar on September 29th, 2018 | No Comments »
Celebrations—My daughter was turning five and was starting to show some interest in cooking. I thought this would be a great opportunity to have something other than the usual birthday party with a couple activities and cake (well, we'll still have cake, of course!)
The inspiration for this was…
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family fun • entertainment & parties
by Silvia Marks on May 25th, 2018 | No Comments »
Parties can cost a lot of money. Planning a party on a budget is no easy task. Whether it is your child's birthday or any other celebration, there are ways to make sure your party doesn't break the bank.
Children love parties. They love an excuse where they can gather…
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parenting • ages and stages
by Brittany Mooney on July 10th, 2017 | No Comments »
Whether struggling with family, friend, or work relationships, adults are used to the sting of rejection. However, many, in their parenting years, have forgotten how often kids also experience rejection—and just how hurtful it can be. Just as parents need to help their kids develop physically, they also…
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parenting • home management
by Jessica Watson on August 1st, 2014 | 3 Comments »
With every year comes another debate about whether to throw a birthday party or not to throw a birthday party. Do we need to rent a petting farm, invite the whole class and make a three story cake, or can we just go out for dinner somewhere fun and call…
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family fun • entertainment & parties
by Brittany Burns on April 25th, 2014 | No Comments »
When I was a kid, birthday parties consisted of a few close family members, balloons for decorations, and a homemade cake. Things have changed quite a bit. A birthday party is a production. Equipped with themes, party favors, a specialized tiered cake, and an invite list that includes everyone you…
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