Announcing Evo Conference Keynotes! Save $100 on Registration This Week Only

mebiz, tech, & social media

We're feeling all sorts of giddy around here. You know, that kind of heart-pounding, excited energy that used to be reserved for kids on Christmas morning…there is a bit of that energy peppering our conversations as we continue to polish the plans for Evo’10—The Evolution of Women in Social Media

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BlogHer Travel & Entry Giveaway!


BlogHer is putting the "social" in Social Media for its BlogHer '09 Conference this year in Chicago and Chevy is adding to the fun. Christie, Lorraine, and Denine from The Blog Rollers, in partnership with Chevy, are roadtripping it to BlogHer and they need a 4th Wheel. What does it

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Blogging and Social Activism

inspiring moms!

For Catherine Connors, becoming a driving force for action in her community did not mean traveling to foreign lands or holding a sign to protest for the causes she believed in. She enacted change with a few keystrokes on her computer. Catherine is a mother, a blogger, and an…

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How Can I Make My Blog Giveaways Better?

#gno information!me

Jessica is the founder of a popular site for moms that features product reviews, awesome giveaways and so much more. When she started Mom Fuse she mainly wanted it to be a place where moms could come and get honest reviews on the products moms might use, this soon…

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What’s The Trick? How Can I Grow My Blog?

#gno information!

Marie LeBaron is a 30 something stay at home mom to 3 silly kids. Before life as a mother, she graduated with a teaching degree in Early Childhood & Elementary Education, after which she taught four years of Kindergarten. After her first child was born, she decided to

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