
Child Development: 9 Ways to Help Kids Learn to Manage Anger


Just as adults need to develop and refine their communication skills, kids need to be taught effective and healthy ways to share their feelings, process emotions, and get across their points. Diagnosing Anger-Management Issues in Children When my 11-year-old son was 6 years old, I started noticing…

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Parents: How Fathers Can Build Relationships With Their Kids


Fathers play a significant role in the development of their children and nothing is as heart warming than the relationship between a daughter and her father. Even though I may be an adult who no longer lives with my father, he still plays an integral part of who I have…

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Encouraging Active Play: 10 Ways to Get Your Child Moving

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Active play is defined as any type of physical activity that children do which involves moderate to high bursts of energy, thereby raising their heart rate. Research shows that encouraging active play in children helps boost mental development and resistance to infections, among other benefits. Below are 10 ways of…

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25 Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers


Parents always hear about the importance of fine motor skills for their toddlers and preschoolers. But what exactly are fine motor skills? Fine motor skills involve small movements of the fingers, wrists, hands, feet, toes, tongue, and lips.Whether your preschool-age child is developing typically or has fine motor delays, it's

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Child Development: 4 Tips to Teach Kids to Be Good Sports

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Parenting—Are your kids good losers? If not, you're not alone. In the competitive world we live in, children are taught directly and indirectly from a young age that winning is the goal. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our kids that while winning a game may be…

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