
Thin Mint Pie

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What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Hands down, my favorite is Thin Mint. I remember when I was a Girl Scout, I participated in several cookie drives. It seems like everyone liked to buy Thin Mint cookies. I could hardly keep them in stock at our cookie…

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Together Counts Program & Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital: Win A $250 Gift Card

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Health and fitness have been part of Girl Scouting since girls ran foot races in 1912! In partnership with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, Girl Scouts of the USA has developed three Healthy Habits booklets for volunteers to use in conjunction with their Journey Adult Guides. The three Healthy…

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Together Counts Program & Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital: Tuesday #gno Twitter Party

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In partnership with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, Girl Scouts of the USA developed three "Healthy Habits" booklets to easily incorporate energy balance into meetings, outings, events and adventures. The free booklets help guide girls as they learn to lead active, healthy lifestyles. Through the use of these free…

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Girl Scouts Giveaway: Win a Girl Scouts #CookieBoss Prize Pack

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Did you know that by joining the Girl Scouts, girls can learn life skills such as confidence, financial management, and goal setting? That’s right, the Girl Scout Cookie Program is about more than cookies. Through the program, Girl Scouts learn skills essential to success in life, like financial management, innovation,…

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Girl Scouts #CookieBoss: Wednesday #gno Twitter Party

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Did you know that buying Girl Scout Cookies is about so much more than just handing over money for a box of treats? It's about the skills a girl gains from interacting directly with the cookie customer! It's about the experience of running her very own cookie business and working…

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