25 Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers


Parents always hear about the importance of fine motor skills for their toddlers and preschoolers. But what exactly are fine motor skills? Fine motor skills involve small movements of the fingers, wrists, hands, feet, toes, tongue, and lips.Whether your preschool-age child is developing typically or has fine motor delays, it's

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Winter Preschool Math Activity


When teaching math to young children, we often think of number-related concepts, such as counting forward, counting backward, simple addition, and simple subtraction. However, there are a lot of mathematical concepts that can be taught to preschool-age children that are not necessarily related to numbers and operations. Image courtesy of

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Homeschooling Through the Holidays


Homeschooling as the holidays get closer can be challenging. There is so much to do and so little time. If your kids are as antsy as you are to leave the daily schedule behind there are some easy ways you can change up your days to make them a little…

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Blogging: How To Start Your Own Kid Blogging Team


Who would’ve thought a homeschool project would turn into a profitable online business and book contracts for my three girls (9, 11, and 12 years old)? I finally agreed to let my girls have their own blog in 2009, even though they asked for many years. My goals were modest:…

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Parenting: Not All Learning Comes From Books


This fall, I’ll have two 10th grade girls and a boy in 3rd grade. The boy loves school and will pick up a reading comprehension workbook when he’s bored. His sisters could do anything academically, but are hoping to have a career that includes cute clothes and no…

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