home management • kids crafts
by Kate Eschbach on August 10th, 2019 | 5 Comments »
Kids need the ability to play creatively so as parents, we want to be sure we're providing them with space to explore and use imaginative play. When my older two kids were young, I lived close to my college roommates, Kelly and Maja. We had weekly play dates that helped…
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kids crafts
by Michelle Marine on April 17th, 2019 | No Comments »
My kids have been wanting to make their own fairy garden for quite some time, so last week, we finally checked it off our to-do list! Making a Fairy Garden is a great way to get your kids outside and involved in gardening and it's a magical idea that will…
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holidays • kids crafts
by Carolina on September 20th, 2018 | No Comments »
Sometimes dressing up for Halloween is as simple as a pair of sweatpants, a colored shirt, and a fun animal mask. Or your favorite outfit, topped with a fun Halloween mask. Here are three simple animal masks that you can make using just paper, glitter, and glue. Glue the finished…
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