parenting • ages and stages
by Anthony Rocha on November 10th, 2013 | No Comments »
In this modern world, everyone is using the Internet more than ever before. This increase in Internet usage includes children, who are plugged into the World Wide Web through devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and even gaming consoles. Because the Internet is available through a number of resources, it …
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biz, tech, & social media • lifestyle
by Kate Warner on April 5th, 2013 | No Comments »
Internet safety is now more important than ever. Most social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, have age restrictions in place to prevent children from creating a user profile. This policy keeps children from coming across adult-themed content and also protects them from predators. However the restrictions on these…
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parenting • education
by Russ Warner on October 30th, 2012 | 1 Comment »
Teenagers are getting clever with their online behavior. A new survey from McAfee revealed that nearly half of parents believe their teens tell them everything they do online, while 70% of teens revealed that they have found ways to avoid parental monitoring.
How Teens Hide Their Online Behavior From…
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lifestyle • hobbies-me time
by Krystine Joy Sitjar on June 28th, 2012 | No Comments »
It is no longer surprising that almost everyone these days could not live without connecting to the internet even for just a few hours. With the different functions an internet connection can provide, people connect to this service all the time to search for information, pay bills, reserve plane tickets,…
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parenting • ages and stages
by Mom It Forward on May 1st, 2012 | 1 Comment »
One of the hardest tasks of parenthood, perhaps, is to ward your children against the myriad negative influences and possible harms that may come to them. There are bullies, drugs, and child predators, to name a few. And protecting our kids is not the same task it was…
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