giving back

Service: The Value of Sharing and Serving Your Neighborhood

giving backbettering communities

Everyone who comes into my life is my neighbor. Everyone who passes by is also my neighbor. My neighbor is not the next door neighbor, it is everyone. It is always a beautiful gesture to see people smile and actually say "Good morning or Have a good day!"…

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Five Easy Ideas for Making Change

giving backtips for giving back

Someone once said, "If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." Change is an important part of life, both on a personal and global level. Here are a few bite-size ideas to help change things for the better in your neck of the woods: Five Bite-Size Ideas for…

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Service: Stacy Pearson on the Wonder of Volunteering

giving backmoms making a difference

There is a woman, a volunteer from Minnesota, named Amy Nylander. About service, she says: "Volunteering is the best way to get things to change for the better. It isn’t about legislation. It isn’t about cash (although that helps—a lot). It’s about grass roots movements and people with their…

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Help Others Find Happiness with a “Bookless Book Club”

giving backtips for giving back

Benjamin Franklin once said, “The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to find it yourself.” We are none of us entitled to happiness, but we are all equipped with the basic resources to pursue it. How we choose to find it,…

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Lisa Truong Helps Mothers Out With Diapers

giving backmoms making a difference

Did you know that diapers are not specifically covered by social safety net programs like WIC, food stamps, or welfare? Those most basic of babies' needs are things that are often not the highest item on the grocery lists of lower-income families with limited budgets. The thought of little ones…

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