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5 Simply Powerful Ways You May Already Be Making a Difference

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I’ve got the most relieving news for you super hero moms... making a difference in our world is actually easier than you may think. In fact, you may already be raising the consciousness of humanity, animals, and our planet everyday. I’m pretty sure by now we’re all doing our part…

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Moms Advocating for Clean Air

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What do you want for Mother’s Day? At Moms Clean Air Force, we want a healthy future for our children. That’s why this year, in the week before Mother’s Day, Moms Clean Air Force will tell our politicians that they must pay attention to the urgent problem of clean air…

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Moms Making a Difference: Our Featured Moms from February 16 – 22:

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Welcome to another installment of Mom of the Day. This week, we featured moms who are recovering perfectionists, grain-free and real food recipe users, fashion lovers, wine lovers, and adoption advocates. Give some extra love to our Moms of the Day on the Mom It Forward Facebook Page.…

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Moms of the Day: Our Featured Moms from February 9-15:

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Welcome to another installment of Mom of the Day. This week, we featured moms who are boogie wipers, humourists, money savers, zumba dancers, and writers. Give some extra love to our Moms of the Day on the Mom It Forward Facebook Page. Now, without further ado, here are…

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Moms of the Day: Our Featured Moms from February 2-8:

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Welcome to another installment of Mom of the Day. This week, we featured moms who are chocolate pecan pie makers, journalists, TV producers, outdoor enthusiasts, go-getters, and amazing party planners. Give some extra love to our Moms of the Day on the Mom It Forward Facebook Page. Now,…

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