
Photos: 10 Tips for Newborn Photography

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From landscape photography to documentary photography, event photography to portrait photography—there are many different types of photography that help you express your emotions, viewpoint, and style. Out of all of the different types of photography, the one form of photography that many people find the most difficult is portrait,…

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Sleep: Tips to Help New Moms Avoid Sleep Deprivation

parentingages and stages

All new mothers know how hard it can be to get a good night’s sleep after a baby is born. It is also important for new moms to get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can affect decision-making, lead to depression, and cause problems in relationships. It can also affect a new…

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Mother’s Day: Donate Birth Kits to Help Others

giving backbettering communities

I gave birth to our second born daughter, Ruby, on the side of the road. No joke. I wasn’t holding out on traveling to the hospital or crossing my fingers about a spectacular home birth. Instead, a super, fast delivery and road construction played havoc on my birth plan

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Parenting: Preventing SIDS and Infant Sleep Safety

parentingages and stages

Amidst the sheer bliss of becoming a new parent, every new mommy or daddy has at least a twinge of constant, over-protective fear that one's newborn is in harm's way. In the first several weeks, parents gingerly handle the new bundle of joy with extra caution and care. They…

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Childbirth: What to do to Prepare for Delivery


As the due date draws near, it can be easy for expecting mothers to find they are becoming a little anxious. Is the overnight hospital bag packed with everything likely to be needed? Is the car gassed and ready to go at a moment's notice? Will family and friends be…

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