
Kids on the Internet: How to Keep Them Safe

parentingages and stages

In this modern world, everyone is using the Internet more than ever before. This increase in Internet usage includes children, who are plugged into the World Wide Web through devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and even gaming consoles. Because the Internet is available through a number of resources, it

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Internet Safety: Apps to Protect Your Children

biz, tech, & social medialifestyle

Internet safety is now more important than ever. Most social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, have age restrictions in place to prevent children from creating a user profile. This policy keeps children from coming across adult-themed content and also protects them from predators. However the restrictions on these…

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Safety: How To Protect Children on the Internet

mebiz, tech, & social mediaparentingages and stages

Internet Safety—Doesn't it seem like laptops, smart phones, iPhones and iPads have become physical extensions of our kids? As parents, it’s crucial we’re aware of the possible pitfalls of the latest technologies, and that predators are sometimes lurking online and that cyberbullies are ready to attack 24/7. But before…

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