
Reading: 10 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Read


Reading can and should be an enjoyable activity for your children. It can spark imagination that opens their mind to a whole new world. Not only is it an entertaining activity, it is educational as well. Reading improves and develops language skills, broadens vocabulary, and improves their social skills.…

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The Luxury of Reading: Appreciate and Donate

giving backbettering communities

Did you know only one in 300 kids in low income areas have an age appropriate book at home? Books are an important part of childhood and a necessary educational tool. Many children don’t have the opportunity to enjoy this pleasure. If you are fortunate enough to have books in…

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Summer Learning: How to Keep Your Child Reading During Summer

parentingages and stages

School is out and your child’s brain is on vacation! You mention one word about school or reading and your child just groans. Reading does not have to be a chore; make reading fun and interesting! We have all heard “practice makes perfect,” well, practice may not make your child…

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Summer Learning: Tips for Summer Learning Activities


Perhaps boredom is inevitable for all young kids during the summer. Try as I might, I always hear "I'm bored" at some point, no matter how many activities I provide. I'm beginning to think it's not humanly possible to prevent their boredom, since there's no way I can drive…

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Book Review: On My Honor, a Girl Scout Treat

bettering communities

When I was a young college student, I worked as a secretary at the Utah Girl Scout Council. I hadn't been a Girl Scout growing up, and wasn't at all acquainted with the organization's history or purpose. But working for them, of course, afforded me a great opportunity to…

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