my world • Mom It Forward Mondays
by Mom It Forward on January 3rd, 2011 | 1 Comment »
Whew. The holidays are over. A new year has begun, and with it come new opportunities for growth, change, and happiness. Take time to center yourself, to clear your body and mind, before you dive into new resolutions. Think about breathing. Think about how just breathing is a blessing in…
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my world • Mom It Forward Mondays
by Mom It Forward on November 15th, 2010 | No Comments »
When planning for a family vacation, one of the most important parts of the vacation is making sure everyone arrives at and returns from their destination safely. You may be wondering what that has to do with service, but as Safety 1st reminds us, taking care of our families and…
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giving back
by Jyl Johnson Pattee on June 7th, 2009 | 26 Comments »
Make a meaningful difference this summer by taking the Summer of Service (SOS) Challenge. Here's how:
- Commit to do one act of kindness each week based on the week's challenge.
- Leave a comment with ideas relating to the week's challenge as well as your experience(s) performing it.
- Grab the SOS
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