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#gno information!#gno featured

When you think about what menopause means, what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you're like me and the nearly 2 MILLION women that enter the stages of menopause every year in the US alone, you likely think it represents one thing: no more periods. And while,…

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International Women’s Day: How to Celebrate Being a Woman


It's interesting how holidays change over time and across cultures. Christmas, obviously, is celebrated by Christians the world over but with a variety of different traditions. St. Patrick's Day, interestingly enough, started out in the early 17th century as a celebration of the man who originally brought Christianity to Ireland.…

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Foreign Aid: Reasons Why Moms Should Add Foreign Aid to Africa to Their Lives

giving backmy worldglobal causestips for giving back

Let's get honest, shall we? I'll let you in on some thoughts in the forefront of my mind. Talking about foreign aid feels overwhelming. I'm a busy mom just trying to raise happy and healthy kids. Sometimes I can barely extend my focus beyond the walls of my own home,…

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Domestic Violence: Maggie Ginsberg-Schutz Unsilences the Silenced

giving backmy worldmoms making a differencemoms making a difference

Domestic Violence—Say you're a journalist and a mom. Say you get an assignment to write a piece about domestic violence survivors. Say you delve into this assignment with your usual professional zeal, not ever having experienced abuse yourself but anxious to share the real-life stories of actual survivors.…

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Mobile Devices: 3 Apps to Help Promote Reading, Imagination, and Cooperation

mebiz, tech, & social mediaparentingeducation

Technology—Smartphones and tablets can be entertaining tools to focus children’s attention, but finding age-appropriate apps that were built with kids’ development in mind may be a challenge sometimes. For me, I like kasinot games. If you also love casino games, then check out mpo888 here. With apps developed with

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