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Think About Your Eyes: Tuesday #gno Twitter Party

#gno featured

Did you know that 1 in 4 children have a vision problem that can interfere with learning and behavior? 80% of everything children learn comes through their eyes, and uncorrected vision problems impact their ability to learn and interact with the world around them. Children receive more annual sun exposure than adults because many of their activities are outdoor- based. This increased exposure to sunlight also increases children’s exposure to damaging UV light. Because UV exposure is cumulative, it is important to begin eye protection at an early age. Over a lifetime, damage from unprotected exposure to UV rays can lead to eye diseases and conditions that will affect the health of the eyes and vision.

Think About Your Eyes

Think About Your Eyes, a national public awareness campaign to promote the importance of an annual eye exam, aims to educate on why exams are an important part of overall health and wellness. The vision community, through Think About Your Eyes, wants to educate parents on the difference between school vision screenings and a comprehensive eye exam. While a screening can test a child’s ability to see at a distance, it does not provide information on how well the eyes focus up close or how the eyes work together.

Party Topic

Join Think About Your Eyes, Mom It Forward, and our panel of experts as we chat about summer eye safety and why eye exams are an important part of overall health and wellness. The party will be held on Tuesday, May 19 from 9-10 p.m. ET (8CT, 7MT, 6PT). Click here to see details about the giveaway and enter for a chance to win.

Party Details

  • What: Girls’ Night Out (#gno) Twitter party (Click here to learn about #gno)
  • When: Tuesday, May 19 from 9-10 p.m. EST (8CT, 7 MT, & 6 PT)
  • Where: Party with us using your favorite Twitter platform. Just make sure to follow the party hashtags!
  • Hashtags: #gno #ThinkABoutYourEyes
  • Topic: Summer eye safety
  • Brand Panelist: @ThinkAboutEyes
  • Moderators: @jylmomIF @Dadventurous @troypattee @MomItForward
  • Community Panelists: TBD
  • Party Favors: Please click here to see more information about the giveaway.

RT @MomItForward Join the @ThinkAboutEyes #gno Twitter party 5/19 (9-10 ET) #ad http://bit.ly/1K6w6Tc #ThinkAboutYourEyes PLS RT

Note: Mom It Forward accepts paid sponsorships for most #gno Twitter parties. During the parties, brand sponsors provide tips, techniques, expert advice, and information on party topics. Mom It Forward is grateful for the giveaway prizes, coupons, and discounts that sponsors also provide to the Mom It Forward community in conjunction with #gno Twitter parties.

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