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Topic Talk—Holiday Hodgepodge!

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Today's Topic Talk post is a hodgepodge of shopping tips, best buys, holiday pic tales, and Black Friday stories. We are thankful for the great GNO Gals for their submissions!


Steals and Deals offers several tips for buying gifts on a budget. Here's a great one:


Don't pay full price for anything. This might sound like an impossible task, but with the internet at your disposal, you have a grand tool to accomplish this, even if you are not making the final purchase online. Every time I "checkout" online I open up a new tab and search Google for online coupons. 99% of the time I find a 10-30% discount code, or a free shipping code, or a dollar amount off when you buy a certain amount like $10 off a purchase of $30. I always check "Steals and Deals" for their most recent posts to see if there is a tip I can use for this particular purchase.

Parenting Pink highlights fab finds for girls. Yep! They are all pink just like this Roadster!

June Cleaver Nirvana talks about a topic many of us can relate to—snapping the perfect holiday pic, or not! If you haven't read Holly's blog before, don't delay another minute. She's got humor coming out her ears!

The Heiner Clan poses the question: Do You Black Friday? Then, she shares her thoughts. Can you relate?


I think part of why I love shopping on this day is because I have money to spend. I am almost expected to spend. I am not just spending frivolously. It's for Christmas, so it's ok. I think of everyone on my list and what great things I will find at a great deal. I started going out years ago and think of it as a tradition now. Sometimes I go by myself, sometimes I talk my sisters into going with me.

The Cool Mom Guide, provides a great "must haves" list for kids from 9 to 92 like this great Nintendo Dogs for boys!


Thanks to these amazing GNO Gals for their Topic Talk posts.

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linking to the holiday shopping post you'd like to contribute.

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An active part of the Mom It Forward team, Jyl primarily writes about parenting, social good, and all things travel related. In a past life, Jyl was an award-winning copywriter and designer of corporate training programs for Fortune 100 companies. Offline, Jyl is married to @TroyPattee; a mom to two teen boys and a beagle named #Hashtag; loves large amounts of cheese, dancing, and traveling; and lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Topping her bucket list is the goal to visit 50 countries by the time she's 50.

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