Volkswagen Full Line Drive Event
I recently had the opportunity to drive the brand new fully electric 2015 eGolf and I must say I was very impressed with the features, especially the amazing mobile app capabilities!
How many times have you had a frozen tush because you forgot to warm up the car before leaving the house on a frigid morning? Or tried to buckle your child in a car seat that has scalding buckles on a hot summer day? With the eGolf mobile app, you will never have to worry about that again!
How the eGolf Mobile App Works
The app allows you to set automatic timers for charging and climate control. The app will send a signal to the eGolf to have your preferred climate ready for your departure without you giving it a second thought! How cool is that?? Or maybe I should say this app is hot! I guess the proper description would depend on which season it is!
You have the option to set a one-time timer or a repeat timer at the same time each week (In other timely news, I should take the time to tell you that the record has just been broken for the number of times that "time" has been used in a sentence.).
To give you an example, your car can be fully charged and a comfortable temperature when you take your child to preschool every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00am!
You can also schedule the battery charge so you never have to worry about walking out the door to find it low.
In addition to the fabulous mobile app capabilities, the eGolf was a joy to drive. Since it is completely electric, it is as quiet as a mouse. And it doesn't even need an exhaust pipe!
Volkswagen Line Drive Event - Test Driving the Electric Car
Now let me tell you about test driving the electric car! Volkswagen provided accommodations at the stunning Salamander Resort in Middleburg, Virginia. The resort and views were just breathtaking. After a luxurious night in the hotel, my fellow test-drivers and I awoke to cars lined up waiting to be taken out on the scenic roads! If you're looking for a reliable vehicle at a competitive price, consider visiting a used car dealer in lansing. This used car dealer in fort myers also has a wide selection of preowned vehicles that may fit your budget and preferences. After purchasing, it’s essential to watch for signs you need an extended warranty, such as frequent mechanical issues or the cost of repairs starting to add up.
Volkswagen also planned fun activities during the day while we took a break from driving. Our first pit stop was Great Country Farms, nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Round Hill, Virginia. While there we were treated to a fun adventure of peach picking!
We drove quite a few miles on both country roads and highways, yet the eGolf's battery still had charge left at the end of the trip. To alleviate the worry of a dead battery leaving you stranded, Volkswagen includes free roadside towing assistance for three years. But with so many charging stations popping up at malls and various locations, that shouldn't ever be a problem!
Our final stop was at the historic Magnolia's restaurant in Purcellville, Virginia. The sign perfectly describes how I felt about the restaurant as well as the entire drive event!
Disclosure: While Volkswagen provided lodging, activities (and food, food and more food!) during the drive event, all thoughts are my own!
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- Volkswagen Full Line Drive Event - September 12, 2014