family fun
5 Fun Ideas to Get Together with Friends this Fall
family fun • entertainment & parties
Do you live in a fun neighborhood? We sure do. Our street has about 20 houses and 36 kids, and through the years we have had some fun neighborhood parties. However, when fall and winter roll around we all seem to get busy with kids’ schedules and the upcoming holiday season. So to end the summer we like to throw one big party in the fall to say “goodbye” until the spring when we’ll be back on the block socializing again. Here are five ideas to plan some fun with your neighbors, friends, or family this fall.
Fun Ideas to Get Together with Friends
1. Neighborhood Fire Pit Party—Simple but fun! Have someone set up a fire pit on their driveway and invite all the neighbors to bring a dish, drinks, and chairs for some family-friendly fun. Don’t forget to grab the ingredients for s’mores! Organize teams to play Ghost in the Graveyard or Flashlight Hide and Seek. Check out these ideas for planning a neighborhood fire pit gathering. Perfect for events or backyard setups, a festoon light pole provides a stylish and functional lighting solution.
2. Flag Football Party—If you live near a field or an open area, why not invite some friends to play some flag or touch football then come inside for some great eats! Organize it on a day when your favorite team is playing so when you come inside you can watch the game together. Here are all the creative football party decorating and food ideas you’ll need.
3. Outdoor Movie Night—We love Outdoor Movie Night in our neighborhood. Two or three families take turns hosting movie night in their driveway. We put a white sheet on the garage door, someone brings their laptop projector from work, and we all pitch in with popcorn and snacks. Even when the weather gets a little brisk, wrapping up with the kids in blankets or sleeping bags to watch a movie is great fun. You’ll need these 5 Tips to Hosting the Perfect Outdoor Movie Night.
4. Family-Friendly Halloween Party—I love Halloween! Whether you host a Pumpkin Carving Party giving everyone a small pumpkin and supplies to decorate their heart out or host a more traditional costume party for kids and adults, you are bound to have a frightfully good time. Check out these Halloween Party Ideas for inspiration.
5. Neighborhood Camp-Out—My family loves to pick a summer night and camp out in the backyard. However, I think the more the merrier, so this year we are organizing a Fall Neighborhood Camp-Out. Every family will set up a tent in the host’s back yard. Then we’ll have fun telling ghost stories, roasting hot dogs, and staying up late. Best parts—you can use your own bathroom and those who don’t want to camp can still have fun and go home when they want. Here’s how to plan a Backyard Camp Out.
What fun activities do you have planned for your family and friends this fall?
Image credit zurijeta / 123RF Stock Photo

Susan Kirchner
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