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Acts of Kindness: Bake It Forward One Cookie Tin at a Time

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Acts of Kindness—Mom It Forward is the title of our site, but it's also a verb, an action. The phrase is, at its heart, a call to be proactive in the improvement of our world. The phrase means to not wait until someone helps you, or until someone else makes that end-all-be-all donation that ends hunger all over the world. The phrase means to serve, in our families, our communities, and our world, in the best way we know how: as moms. Little by little, we can change the world one mom at a time.

And little by little, cookie tin by cookie tin, the Imperial Sugar Company hopes to change the world too, to "bake-it-forward." They are in fact running a campaign by that very name, based on the idea of paying it forward. The campaign goes like this:

  1. Buy a special Imperial Sugar Tin (available for $5 here).
  2. Register your tin at
  3. Make a treat and send it, in the tin, to a neighbor, friend, or family member who could use a smile, encouraging them to bake it forward when they feel so inspired. If you want to track your tin's progress across the country, encourage its recipients to go to BakeItForward and enter their location as well.

Bake It Forward began as a way to reach all those people who need a smile, a pick me up, or a small dose of hope. Bake your favorite treat, package it up in the Imperial Sugar tin, and send it to that special someone who needs a smile. You can even track the tin through all of its traveling by registering it on the Bake It Froward website. Bake It Forward is a fun way to, as the Imperial Sugar Company people say, "truly make a difference in the lives of others through the power of 'baking it forward'."

What are simple ways to bring a smile to someone's face? What simple acts can you do to change the world one person at a time?

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